Friday, October 16, 2009

Episode 9 - SPA Music

Greetings JLURS listeners! This is Episode 9 of the JohnLloy Umali Radio Show! It’s me again JohnLloy tour host! And for this episode I will be sharing with you my favorite SPA / Relaxation music. And of course we have a new mystery HORROSPOKE reader so sit back just click and listen…

Track List

  1. Enter Sandman - Metallica
  2. Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)
  3. Chopseuy - System of A Down (SOAD)
  4. The Trooper - Iron Maiden
  5. Queensryche - Queen of the Ryche
  6. TNT - AC/DC

Happy Thighthumping weekend!


Spa Music said...

Sounds like pretty heavy spa music to me.


JohnLloy said...

LOL I know. but seriously I felt more relax listening to those kind of music LOL