Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Episode 15 - 2112

Good Day My friends It's me again JOHNLLOY and welcome to another episode of the JLURS the JohnLloy Umali Radio Show! first things first we have a new segment called the SONG OF THE DAY tumblr edition. On our track list we have a special 1 song yup only one song It's entitled 2112
performed by my favorite group RUSH

I will let WIKI do all the explaining behind this song. IMHO this song is the definitive song for this band.

And Also we have a NEW! HORROSPOKE reader And oh boy must I say to you she has a very nice sounding voice *evilsmirk so sit back and enjoy everyone.

Track List

1. 2112 - Rush
The Temples of Syrinx4:33
Oracle: The Dream
Grand Finale18:17


1 comment:

B said...

lupit ng horrospoke singer (woot)